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All ages?

Why does HPD offer off-ice training for all ages?The best way to compliment your on-ice training is to work properly off the ice. In order for this to happen we must understand that a “one size fits all” training regiment, is now obsolete.At HPD our staff believes that age appropriate related strength training can develop strength and power at all ages. Our goals, are to create off-ice programs that directly compliment the ages of the participants. Functional strength training for younger athletes and Olympic lifting variations for older athletes are both great ways to develop explosiveness...

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Increase Skating Speed

How Do You Increase Skating Speed?Many coaches, instructors and players all have their own opinions. It is actually a complex question and involves multiple activities. Adjusting your stride, lengthening it, tweaking it by practicing lots of stride work? Sorry, this will not work alone. The truth of the matter is, it takes lots and lots of time and hard work. The reality is great skaters have worked extremely hard on their craft.Targeting specific muscle groups relating to skating speed is a very effective way of increasing speed over time. At HPD we use off-ice plyometric training.Plyometric...

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The debate

Since its inception in 2009 USA Hockey’s American Development Model (ADM) has been a hot topic in almost every rink throughout the United States. The ADM which was created by USA hockey after years of extensive research that involved world class trainers, doctors, nutritionists and psychologists is continually under public fire. The debate often centers on half ice versus full ice games at the younger birth years. Skeptics to this innovative development model have sought an alternative and have turned to the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU).Many AAU team leaders cleverly recruit by defaming the...

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Development opportunity

What makes HPD an elite development opportunity?Over the years through hard work and dedication to the sport we have developed a true system in developing elite hockey players. We specialize in building a strong foundation for our youth players using power skating techniques that reinforce proper skating stride and being strong on edges. For older players on-ice development continues with reinforcing proper skating technique with added emphasis on strength and conditioning. The development process continues off the ice with HPD by teaching our youths how to properly and effectively train their...

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Cold Hard Truth when it comes to Skating Stride

I have been working with youth hockey, junior, college and pro skaters for the last fifteen years, I have played alongside players in Division 1 college and then in the Pros with very awkward strides that are in fact great hockey players. Most were very strong and had unbelievable leg and core strength. Some body types cannot be fluent when skating, while others are more equipped to produce a great fluent stride. Believe it or not most young players will improve their stride with simply logging more ice time, attending specialized power skating sessions that preach fixing your stride is somewhat...

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Equipment issues

Hi everyone hope your hockey seasons are going well….Equipment issues? I get a lot of questions from hockey parents from time to time regarding various equipment issues.  So I have decided to summarize and list to the best of my knowledge all the basic equipment needed in hopes to help out with the purchasing process of new or used equipment.  As you will find out quickly buying hockey equipment is unfortunately not a one time expense. As your child grows and new “larger” equipment is required you will find prices dramatically increase in size as well.  Also to add...

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Some are better than others

A Note from former NHL player and Hockey Player Development head instructor Iain Duncan,I know that some years are better than others, but always remember, “YOU ARE PLAYING AND CONTRIBUTING TO THE “WORLDS FASTEST TEAM SPORT”.Look at the positive things that happen throughout this year and think about “What can I do to better to prepare myself for the next hockey season?” And “What can I do as an individual to may my team stronger?”  There are always things you can improve on…skating, shooting, passing, conditioning and strength just to name a few.During the spring...

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How critical is a pre-game warm up?  Depending on how you wish to start the game should play a major role in your warm-up.I was never a big believer of a slow stretching approach to prepare for a game.  I would observe many players who would sit and go through a static routine of touching toes and crossing legs.  I never once did this and did not ever pull a muscle in 4 years of college hockey and 5 years of pro hockey.  Basically if you want to start the game like a statue then go ahead and stretch like one.  This type of stretching in my opinion is great for after...

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8 Week VS 1 Week

Why HPD eight week Clinics  vs. one week hockey clinics?It has been documented by various scholars in the academic community that a student is able to retain more information over a period of weeks instead of for lack of better terms “cramming” the day before an exam.  This information learned over a longer period of time also stays with the student after the exam.If this is true then why are one week hockey clinics so popular?Basically it comes down to experienced instructors “cramming” 30+ years of hockey experience into one week of hockey.  This information...

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In Shape

A Player is in shape when he can play hard for each shift of an entire game without losing strength, skill or speed.For those coaches wishing to reach maximum potential with their teams conditioning, he must become familiar with two terms Aerobic and Anaerobic. Definition: Aerobic exercise is exercise that involves or improves oxygen consumption by the body.   Aerobic means “with oxygen”, and refers to the use of oxygen in the body’s metabolic or energy generating process. Many types of exercise are aerobic, and by definition are performed at moderate levels...

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